
Our Society


As a Catholic lay organization, we will embrace the world in a network of charity. We serve Christ in the suffering, poor, and marginalized in society, bringing them love and respect, aid and development, hope and joy, to create a more just community.

We also seek to deepen our spirituality and the mutual love and support amongst members. In doing so we see how we serve those in need with one mind and heart, as people are attracted to the Society and to Christ who animates it. ICG


The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is:
To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.


The Mission of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul implies that as Vincentians, we:

  • see Christ in anyone who suffers;
  • come together as a family;
  • have personal contact with the poor;
  • help in all possible ways.

Adopted: SSVP-NCC, AGA, June 2003

Fundamental Principles

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization of charity

  • by its constitution;
  • in its composition;
  • in its administration.

The primary goal and purpose of the Society, its members, staff, volunteers and benefactors is:

  • to serve and to minister to all the poor, making no distinctions of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender, or political opinions;
  • to promote their dignity in accordance with Christian values and the philosophy of the Society as expressed in the Rule.

Vincentians, in serving the poor:

  • are living the message of the Gospel;
  • are transformed through Christ.

Vincentians recognize that the service, the activities and the attachment to traditions, as expressed in the stated parameters of the Society, reflect the vision of:

  • our main founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam,
  • our patron Saint Vincent de Paul.

Vincentians belong to a worldwide community, and members:

  • are drawn from every cultural and ethnic group,
  • are united by prayer and reflection,
  • take part in gatherings and meetings to organize and administer assistance wherever needed.

Vincentians work as a team within the Society and also in collaboration with other people of good will to:

  • serve the poor,
  • discover and help redress situations of social injustice that cause poverty, suffering and need.

Vincentians believe that:

  • they are serving Christ when they serve the poor;
  • the activities of the Society reflect the spirit of Christ in promoting the reign of God.

Vincentians carry out their work keeping in mind that:

  • no work of charity is foreign to the Society;
  • they are the loving companions to their brothers and sisters;
  • the Society's vision goes beyond the immediate future - looking towards sustainable development and the protection of the environment for the benefit of future generations.

Vincentians, through person-to-person contact,

  • serve in a spirit of love, humility, respect and discretion;
  • are ready to serve when needed.
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